Knitting my way across the finish line!

At the beginning of the semester I embarked on the journey of learning how to knit as part of my EDTC 300 class.  EDTC 300 has furthered my ability to use technology in the classroom.  I look forward to outlining my knitting progress for you in this final blog post!

I chose to teach myself how to knit for a few reasons:

  1. Nothing is impossible
  2. There are many resources that are available for me to be successful.
  3. I can easily work on knitting every day if I choose to.
  4. I know my friend will be there for moral support and to answer any questions I have.
  5. I think learning how to knit will help me to be patient and cope with stress.

I have little to no experience with knitting, but I was inspired by one of my good friends who is an avid knitter.  She is always making headbands, scarfs, and toques.

I bet you are just itching to see some of my knitting!

Learning Project Recap 

Itching to do a little Knitting 

  • Introduction, inspiration, and rationale for my learning project

Cast On! 

P is for PURL

  • Attempting the knit stitch

Cast On Cast Off!

Now Featuring: Binding Off with Powtoon

  • Teaching others to bind off using the resource Powtoon
  • Link to the video clip that I created
  • Progress photos of before and after binding off

Seeking Hands on Knitting Help

  • Getting help from my boyfriend’s mom
  • Shifting ideas
  • Buying new yarn
  • Learning to use three needles at once

Sweater Update

  • Continuing on my sweater from last week

Teaching Others To Knit Stitch 

I would like to give you a current update on where I am at with my learning project!  I am not quite done my final project (like I hoped), but I am very close!  I have one more sleeve to finish up and my sweater will be complete! (which I am currently working on).  I tried to take a video of myself knitting, but after an hour of thinking my time lapse video was recording….it was not (I full on blamed my mom for this happening haha).  I was so mad haha! Anyways, things are continuing to come along.  With everything going on this past month you think I would have had more time to sit down and knit.  It has actually been the opposite with trying to finish school and juggle the present.  Here is my most recent photo of my sweater!

One Assessment of my Learning 

I think my biggest piece of assessment throughout this process have been my photos.  It was beneficial to document my progress throughout this experience and I am so happy that I did.  I will share with you my first progress to photo and place my most recent knitting photo next to it.  It is crazy to think about where I started to where I am now.

Final Thoughts: 

My biggest challenge throughout this learning project was getting frustrated when I couldn’t keep up with the YouTube videos. I took not being able to achieve something right away too personally, especially at the beginning of my project.  As I began to learn more and more about knitting, I finally was able to convince myself that I wouldn’t be able to teach myself how to do it overnight (even though I wanted to haha).

I noticed how hard I was on myself throughout this process.  I was scared to make mistakes and I think this relates back to students in the classroom and how they are scared to make mistakes sometimes too.  I have learned that it is okay to make mistakes (we are only human) and that mistakes are part of the learning process.

I definitely see the benefits of being able to teach yourself a skill through using the internet.  We rely heavily on the internet today, and I think it is safe to say that process taught me to learn from and critically evaluate a variety of online resources; share my progress openly through my blog and Twitter using the hashtag #learningproject; receive encouragement and feedback from my PLN; and explore new tech tools to document my learning.

This learning project was one of the most enjoyable assignments I’ve ever been assigned! Not only was it so much fun learning how to knit, but  it was so interesting learning about all of the different technology and digital tools available to document the process!

Thank you for sharing this journey with me!

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